


chamber gates


product length

Shot blasting is an excellent method for prolonging the life of metal and enhancing its durability. This form of blasting enables the removal of scale from the metal surface and effectively cleans the metal of rust or old paint. Furthermore, this treatment approach eliminates all corrosive areas on the metal surface, contributing significantly to its increased durability.

It’s worth noting that following the metal’s shot blasting process, its surface gains added roughness, enhancing the contact area and improving the adhesion of the metal product to the applied material. Our specialists ensure that the resulting product’s roughness after shot blasting ranges from Sa2.0 to Sa3.0.

For shot blasting metal, we utilize enclosed manual equipment, facilitating the operation within a dedicated chamber. The chamber door dimensions measure 5000x5600mm. The maximum product length suitable for blasting is 17000mm.

Materials: Shot blasting is typically applied to products made of carbon steel or special steel (Hardox/Strenx).

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